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After the Interview

There may be reasons why you were not offered the post, and some of these may be:

Good interview but no job offer

Don't worry if the interview did not result in a job offer - there is always a next time.  Naturally you may be disappointed, but you must not take it personally - there was only one job on offer and several candidates applied, so some people were not going to get the job anyway.  Every interview you attend will teach you a little bit more about what to do and what to avoid.




Were you late and if so, did you ring in advance to advise the company of your delay and then apologise when you finally arrived?  In any case, unless there were extraordinary circumstances, being late is the height of rudeness and will not provide a favourable impression.  If you don't value the company's time for that all important interview, then they will think the chances of you turning up on time every morning are not good.


Were you smartly dressed and well groomed?  Did you convey negative body language?  Did you chew gum or smell of smoke?  Was lunch still evident on your teeth?  Examples like these can make the company decide you are not for them.


Did you do your research and find out all you could about the company and position?  Did you forget the information on your CV or were unable to answer direct questions relating to it?  If you didn't do your homework, be assured the job will go to someone who did.



Didn’t want the job or wanted the job too much

If you came across with a negative attitude then no company will want to employ you and remember, there could have been another, even better position with the company.  Don't agree to go on interviews for jobs that hold no sufficient interest for you.  This wastes everyone's time.

Of course you should be enthusiastic at your interview but being over keen can show desperation and the interviewer could conclude that you want any job not just this job. The likelihood is that they will offer the post to a candidate with a more balanced approach.


The job is on hold

Sometimes companies have to reassess their budgets at short notice and the position they originally envisaged cannot take place at that point.  If you have given a good impression, you are bound to be considered at a later date should the position become available.

It may also have been the case that the position has gone internally.  In most companies, applications from existing staff will take priority over new candidates.  Other companies have a policy to advertise and interview both internal and external staff and again, priority will be given to existing staff.


Sorry, you’re too good (or not good enough)

You were everything they wanted - excellent skills and personality with an exemplary work record.  In this case, the company may have felt that you were over-qualified and would get bored with the role.  People can apply for jobs that are beyond their experience and ability, so aim to improve your skills and demonstrate at your next interview that you are more than prepared to undergo whatever training they feel is appropriate.




If two candidates of equal ability are being considered, it could simply be that the position is urgent and if you have to serve a month’s notice, they will take on the other person who can start straight away.


Was everything going great until salary was discussed?  It could be that you tried to get that little bit extra and the company felt your expectations were unrealistic.  At an interview, it is always better to let the company know that the most important thing is the role and the people within the company as you should already know the salary range the job is paying before you go for the interview.

Not getting the job isn't the end of the world and although it is upsetting, it is vitally important that you don't let it get you down.  Act positively and begin your search again.




You can improve your career opportunities by taking courses relevant to your industry.  There are a huge number of training schemes and courses available.


Smart Recruitment Solutions

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